The pages on this site represent countless hours of tedious work. For example, a typical magazine article required 30 min. per page to reproduce here. This includes scanning and retouching photos, OCR processing and proofreading text, and HTML-encoding the pages. If you wish to use any of the material you find here--including, but not limited to magazine article and ad reproductions--please . By the way, here's an excellent site called 10 Big Myths about copyright explained.

If you only wish to use 1 or 2 images (photographs, icons, backgrounds, etc.) from the site, please read on.

Using images found on the Pontiac Server

On the World Wide Web, it's quite easy to copy someone else's original artwork and reuse it on one's own home page, with no regard for who put how much work into producing the final product (we know, since we've been on both ends of the deal). Although the original author may consider it a compliment ("imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?), if you want to use our "creations," we respectfully ask that you simply give us some credit in return:

1. Please

In your message (see our privacy policy), please include:
   a.  Your Web page URL (address).
   b.  The filename(s) of the image(s)—up to two (2)—you'll be using. If you want more than 2, please write before using them.

2. Please copy-and-paste this code on every page where you'll use the image(s):

<! acknowledgment start>
<FONT SIZE="-1">One or more images copied by permission from <A HREF= "" target="_top">Rich's PONTIAC SERVER</A>. All rights reserved.</FONT>
<! acknowledgment end>

It will look like this (typically, at the bottom of the page):
One or more images copied by permission from Rich's PONTIAC SERVER. All rights reserved.

Special case:

Perhaps the most popular piece on this site is the "3-D Chief Pontiac background image." Where using this background image, please use the following code instead of the above:

<! acknowledgment start>
Background image used by permission, &copy;<A HREF="" target="_top"><b>Rich's PONTIAC SERVER</b></A>. All rights reserved.
<! acknowledgment end>

It will look like this on your page:

Background image used by permission, ©Rich's PONTIAC SERVER. All rights reserved.

3. Please also include a link to the Pontiac Server on your links page, if you have one (see below).

How to link to the Pontiac Server

1. Pick the link style(s) you want to use.

   a. For a graphical icon link like this...
Pontiac Server
...simply paste this code into your link page:*

<A HREF="" target="_top"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=61 BORDER=0 alt="Pontiac Server"></A>

   b. For a text-only link like this...

Pontiac Server

...paste this code into your link page:

<A HREF="" target="_top">Pontiac Server</A>

   c. For a combination graphical icon with text link like this...

     ServerPontiac Server

...paste this code into your link page:*

<A HREF="" target="_top"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=61 BORDER=0 align="absmiddle" alt="Pontiac Server">Pontiac Server</A>

2. Please

    Then, we can inform you if the address changes for the Pontiac Server (so your link doesn't go dead). In your message, please remember to include your Web page URL (address). See our privacy policy below.

If you need a larger or smaller logo image, please send e-mail to the address above.

*Please note that the logo image should not be stored on your site. The above HTML uses the image stored on the Pontiac Server site. Then, any new design will show up on your site automatically (its size is fixed, however).

Privacy Policy

Contacting Us

©1997-2001 Richard Rauch

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